What a crazy, confusing and challenging year we have all had in some way or another. I guess the world as we know it may never be the same.
Miami Kiss is now a few weeks post covid and I am feeling very proud and humbled by the amazing support and loyalty from our clients, as well as the awesome reaction to our reopening; I am forever grateful to everyone. Professionally Miami Kiss is coming out of covid a winner and not taken as huge a blow as many of my counterparts have and so for that, I thank each and everyone of you for allowing me to continue to do what I love.
Many of my colleagues may never understand what I am about to write, because we are trained professionals. We are trained to remain detached from each and every one of you and to simply do what we are paid to do...
... but my regulars know that’s never going to happen with me, I am never going to stop caring and taking pride in each of you and I will never just be like every other clinic. I run my own race and the day anyone becomes a dollar sign I will shut my doors and walk away.
Professionally I am unscathed with 2020 (in fact post covid we have awesome new treatments) however, I am unsure how emotionally damaged I feel after reopening our doors.
The uncertainty of the world situation created a fear in me but I couldn’t share it and had to be strong, be an example and support my family. How could I show fear when my son is in LA with thousands dying from this virus. But deep down I was terrified…I was scared of losing everything I worked for and with that I almost lost my sense of self…never in my life time have I not needed to do absolutely anything.
I could not say yes to anyone, answer any questions or be responsible for any decisions. I kind of felt a freedom that’s unexplainable and I settled into lockdown, finally downloading Netflix, Stan, Nine Now and anything else I could binge watch, and naively felt everyone else went into this lull too.
Prior to reopening I knew I would personally reach out to clients with the hope of allowing everyone to relax and feel safe. I simply felt that anyone walking through our doors needed to feel better about themselves.
Sadly, what I never expected was so much sadness, loss and fear. Chatting with clients and learning what they have gone through, what they are going through and what the near future seems to be for each individual touched my heart.
Regardless of who they were, male or female ,everyone had a story, and was eager to share it with someone who was listening.
I feel blessed and grateful to have been and be in a situation where I can put out a hand and have someone grab it. I am fully aware I attract a lot of criticism and I know I am not conventional and yes, yes, yes, I know I could make a lot more money if I conform. I am so very sick of hearing what I should do, but to all my haters, I am still killing it and I am still one of the highest qualified achieving some of the best results in Qld.
Writing is not my strongest strength, I can suck at texting but you will see it in my eyes, you will see it when I talk to you, I don’t care if you come in for a treatment or you are coming in to hang out…My hand is always there for anyone to hold onto.
Just because we are out of lockdown doesn’t mean we are over how we feel, we are allowed to be sad, scared or angry but try to not let our thoughts dictate our feelings. Our thoughts can only create pain by thinking of the past or fear for the future.
I’d like to finish by saying, we truly are in this together.