What is Semi-Permanent BB Cream (BB Glow) and Why Are People Getting It Microneedled Into Their Faces?

What is Semi-Permanent BB Cream (BB Glow) and Why Are People Getting It Microneedled Into Their Faces?

Imagine waking up every morning with zero red spots and a perfectly even complexion. What would it feel like to have the look of a full base of makeup, every day, without ever buying a Beautyblender again? Think of how much time it would save to roll out of bed with foundation already on. Hell, think about how much money it could save over time. That's the promise of BB Glow, a microneedling procedure that inserts semi-permanent BB cream into the skin for coverage that lasts six months to a year.

What does the treatment entail?
The process is the same as microneedling, which works by rolling tiny needles across the skin. The microneedling device may sound like a form of medieval torture, but it's actually a highly effective way to increase the skin's production of collagen and elastin. The teeny pinpricks force the skin to heal and build up stronger than before, while the device also deposits serum deeper into the skin. Here, instead of injecting the skin with a vitamin C or line-smoothing serum, Balic inserts makeup one-millimeter deep into the skin. Think of it like a pigment tattoo for your entire face. The entire treatment, including an hour of numbing, takes about three hours.

The results look just as though you've woken up with a perfectly blended face of BB cream. "It's going to even out the skin tone, eliminate hyperpigmentation, and hide minor defects and flaws in the skin," she says. "It's especially phenomenal for people with red skin, to eliminate rosacea, redness, and broken capillaries."

And unlike regular makeup, it won't wash off with a workout or in the shower. "It's not going to clump like makeup or dissolve in a few hours or get dry because you have dry skin that day. ref: allure.com / Leah Prinzivalli



One session of BB Glow for $59 instead of $169! Save $110!

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